USEFUL INFORMATION - Boxing for Fitness
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The circuit goes for approx 1 hr, and uses a combination of exercises that incorporate boxing skills such as bag and pad work with traditional fitness training that our boxers use to keep fit. The sessions are easy to follow, with staff always on hand and trainers who look out for beginners. You are welcome to come down at any time and watch a session to see what you think.


Class sizes range from as small as around 15 to as large as 45- 50 depending on what session time you attend. You don’t have to have any previous experience with boxing. If you would like to further enhance your skills beyond the circuit, we do offer private skills sessions where you can get more one on one training. Private Sessions are only available to members.


Please give us a call and we can answer any further queries you may have, (9472 3221) let us know when you plan to come along.


It’s a good idea to arriveĀ at least 15min priorĀ to your chosen session time in appropriate exercise gear and footwear remembering to bring a towel and water bottle. The trainer will need time to take you through the circuit.


We provide gloves and ropes as well as all other equipment.


To train with us however, you MUST be a member. Our memberships are annual and you must complete the procedure at the gym.